Taking THE message to the bush…

We went to Narok Friday night and met up with our friend, Solomon. A tall strong Maasai man who loves Jesus. We had a time of prayer in the hotel room as I tried to finish the download and dvd burn. Coming in to town we had already been having technical difficulties as we traveled with my laptop open and my attempts to burn a disc.

Ok, finally, I have it! So we got in the car and proceeded down the road, off the tarmac, down miles of dusty, bumpy, dry roads. I saw maybe 2 houses along the way and an occasional flock of sheep or goats or cows being grazed in the remaining withering grass.

We reached the church in the dark. A couple motor bikes turned on their lights to show us where to park. Once we got the generator hooked up and some lights on, we began to set up for the movie. I have a king size sheet I tacked up on the tree beams inside the church. While sorting out and setting up the electronics and maneuvering through additional technical challenges… The movie was showing!!!!

Easy… 350 people, men and women, young and old, packed into the little church. Some sat in chairs, some on benches, and the parameter of the building – standing 1 to 3 people deep! At one point, I looked up and there were children sitting up above on the rafters. No one moved for two hours as they watched intently as the Gospel of Luke came to life in front of their eyes.

Saturday night we went even deeper on the other side of the tarmac road. This terrain was much more rough and rugged. Randy just pictured himself in an off-road commercial for a monster truck. Honestly, this car is put through some serious driving and off road situations and we are so thankful to God for it!

After first stopping at Pastor John’s home, and having a small bite to eat, we continued on to the church. This little church was real small, so we set up outside. Oh man was this amazing! The stars were covering the dark sky and were absolutely breathtaking. Maybe 100 people sat on their shukas, on stumps or chairs… or stood and watch the movie. The night air was cold and as I looked around, I saw these profiles of old Maasai men with their ear lobes hanging several inches, bundled up in their red plaid fabric and most with a young child sitting on their lap. It was beautiful!

Both nights, I could see the expressions on their faces. There were giggles and laughter at some points, but the real moving response was as they saw Jesus healing, interacting, loving… and then…as He was arrested, beaten and crucified, the entire movie in their mother tongue.

Both nights I spent most of the two hours just praying and I know, just as HE says, that His Word will NOT return void without first accomplishing HIS purpose.

As they saw the arrest of Jesus, the mood changed drastically. I can only pray that God will continue to give understanding of just how significant the price of our sin is, and, how deep the love & grace of our Lord runs.

Sunday we woke up, packed up our room and headed to “the center”. This is where our Saturday class is each week. We arrived a few minutes after 10:00am, sadly beginning to pick up some African habits. We found our seats. Randy sat up front and I took mine with the women on their side. The worship was sweet. The Maasia have a deep heart of worship. I love watching the mix of traditional and modern dressed men, women and children.

I had a chance to greet them and I shared how homesick I have been feeling lately. How much I miss my parents, my children, my grandbabies and my church family. And then I shared how God had whispered to me during worship… and reminded me that I was indeed with family and I smiled at the power of Spirit of God! Truly I sensed the spirit of God binding our hearts as one.

Randy got up to teach. I have to tell you, I was captivated. I found myself literally leaning in as he read and taught on the greatness of God. He sent one man outside to get a handful of sand which was blowing around and looked like smoke. Then Randy asked him to count the grains. The message was powerful and the response was moving as God poured out a little deeper understanding of just how much HE loves us!!! A truth that is too much for my heart to grasp!

The weekend was exhausting, and it was refreshing. It was challenging and it was filling. Once again we marvel that He has allowed us to be a part of HIS work! Indeed, the weekend was amazing as we saw GOD’s hand move before our eyes as we took HIS message into the bush of the Maasai land in Kenya.

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SMILE!! ;))

One of the things our village friends love to do is take pictures. “Take me a foto!” they ask in their broken English. ( By the way, they have learned MUCH more English than I have Swahili!)

When we first got here they would ask for the picture. They would look at my phone or camera and expect me to give that picture to them. Now they know that’s not possible. But I have printed a few through the year and presented a small picture that absolutely LIGHTS their eyes.

This week, after being asked to take a picture, I announced that on Thursday I would bring out my camera and everyone was to gather their families and get dressed for pictures. THIS was a BLAST!!! They had so much fun! There were lots of laughter and lots of posing and lots of smiles. And THAT’s a big deal. Africans don’t smile for pictures. We call it “stone face”. But you know me… SMILE!!!!!

Well, here are a few of the photos from that day… and I can NOT wait to get some of them printed and bless these sweet people with a small gift such as a 8 cent picture!

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