20 weeks and counting….

WOW — How is it possible that when we made this decision in the beginning of June we were looking at 30 weeks — and now we are 1/3 of the way closer to the move to Kenya.

We had a GREAT meeting today with our precious church family.  I am overwhelmed by those who came to hear more of what God is doing and how they can be a part.

As our “sending church” – Calvary Chapel Palm Harbor will be the base of our care team, providing support in the form of prayer, encouragement, logistics and financial. We will continue under the leadership and authority of our pastor – Brett Robinson.  Our support, however, will go eventually through Shepherd Staff and will be credited to our account for the mission and for our support in this mission.

We are currently working on the budget that will address

  • the immediate needs (expenses prior to the trip)
  • the initial needs (one time expenses for set up)
  • the training needs (our six months in language and cultural school in Nairobi)
  • the mission need (ongoing expenses for the training program and for the orphanage)
  • the personal monthly need (ongoing monthly expense of living).

We will have this available for those who are interested by early September.

Our BIGGEST and most IMPORTANT need remains….  the aligning up of those who will commit to diligent and fervent prayer for our steps ahead, for the ground before us, for the hearts we will meet and for HIS Hand of grace and mercy with each detail.

While we still don’t know WHY God would allow us to serve Him in this manner, we know it isn’t because HE NEEDS US.  By His grace He is allowing us to be used by Him and that it so so very humbling.

With that said – we understand that as He calls us to “go” on this mission – He will also call others as “senders” on this mission.  Together we will seek to obey, seeing HIS Truth taken to those He is calling us to.

I will be uploading information from our meeting tomorrow or Tuesday.  In the mean time – please continue to keep us in prayer.

If you would like to participate in the preparations (some training and travel to visit some churches to share the mission) you can make donations through CCPH – and mark your giving “KENYA”.  When we are completely set up with Shepherd Staff – we will let you know.

Thanks again for being a part of this journey along with us!

Keeping my eyes on Christ…